Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is marked by emerging technology breakthroughs in a number of fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, The Internet of Things, 3D printing and autonomous vehicles.


The Challenge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 

The technological advancements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) are changing the way companies, workers, economies and individuals conceive and interact with the world. Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Self-Driving Transportation, On-Demand Economies, Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data are some of the main drivers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The operating playbook companies and investors have been using for the past 10 years is being rewritten by these technologies and associated trends. Previous methods are not only outdated, but they are enormously harmful to the future of every business wanting to grow.

Companies and Investors alike could find themselves in difficult financial situations if they do not proactively address the changes being brought about by the 4IR. Major companies like Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and any numerous startups are adapting and contributing to the changes of the 4IR to fill the space left by companies who are not adapting. Failure to adapt, innovate and understand the changes which are happening will ensure failure of businesses across numerous industries and massive investor losses at the firm and individual level.

What We Do

At Blackstream we advise startups, entrepreneurs, companies and investors on the impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and on the issues which will impact: durability, competitive advantages, revenues, profitability of companies and many other critical factors. Our advisors work with clients to on the topics such as:

  • 4IR Education and Advisory 
  • Business & Competitive Advantage Evaluation 
  • Digital Transformation Strategy 
  • Business Re-Positioning Solutions 
  • Portfolio Evaluation 
  • 4IR Readiness Assessment 
  • Opportunities & Risk Advisory

We conduct numerous evaluation to help our client uncover critical opportunities for the future success of their company. Our advisors provide practical, measurable and risk controlled solutions for companies, investors and other clients to implement. 

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